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A publication of The Senior NetworkTM  

March 2024




March is the month considered in the Northern Hemisphere to be the beginning of Spring, a time to start planting crops and a backyard garden. The Three Sisters is an ancient companion planting method that originated with Native American tribes, who planted corn, beans, and squash together for mutual benefit. The corn formed a trellis for the beans to climb, the beans fixed nitrogen in the soil for heavy-feeding squash, and the squash shaded the soil with its long vines, retaining moisture and suppressing weeds. The method is still as relevant today as it was in the past.  Rooted in Native American history, the Three Sisters Garden is the original basis for companion planting, a useful technique in gardening where certain vegetables are grown together to take advantage of their natural tendencies and relationships. The Three Sisters were the main agricultural crops that sustained the Iroquois for centuries before European settlers ever arrived: maize (corn), beans, and squash. This ancient method of closely interplanting three companion crops created a sustainable ecosystem, in which the corn grew tall to provide the beans a structure to climb, the beans stabilized the corn stalks and fixed nitrogen in the soil for heavy-feeding squash, and the squash vine sprawled across the bed to shade the soil and suppress the weeds (in effect, acting as an edible ground cover).The Iroquois believed that the Three Sisters could only grow and thrive together in community, as they complemented each other not just agriculturally, but nutritionally as well. Corn was a source of carbohydrates, beans were rich in protein, and squash provided vitamins and minerals—a well-rounded diet to supplement the hunter/gatherer life. These three crops could also be dried and used as food year-round. While these traits are less important today, they were so important in the past that they became the major cultivated crops of Indigenous peoples. In our current world of monocropping and overworking the soil, we can still learn a lot from this system to practice companion planting and improve soil fertility.

The reason this works is because God, in His wisdom, started the process ensuring that every plant produces its own kind.  The Bible states in Genesis 1:11, “Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” So you see, every time you plant corn, you get corn.  When you plant beans, you get beans and when you put squash seeds in the ground, you get squash.  This is the way God ordained it so there would be order in the world.  How marvelous to know God did this for us!





Remember When:


A fluffernutter sandwich was easy and  fun to make. Not only were they fun to make—they also tasted amazing. What's not to love about a sandwich filled with peanut butter and a metric ton of marshmallow fluff? As an adult, it's not unusual to look back at these childhood meals with equal parts of nostalgia and horror.






 If        you know        an individual, a business, a group,

an organization, or a municipality that  is “senior-friendly”TM, you may nominate them for the “Senior-Friendly”  Hall of Fame.  Submit their name, contact information and why you think they should be considered.   Send to:



3650 Rogers Road, Suite #323

Wake Forest, NC 27587





Cooking Corner:





Ready in 30 min




12 large eggs

3 tablespoons mayonnaise

2 tablespoons mustard

1 tablespoon minced sweet       pickle

1 dash Worcestershire sauce

Salt & fresh ground pepper

1 dash lemon juice

1 dash horseradish sauce

1-2 dash Tabasco sauce

2 tablespoons paprika (garnish)

2 tablespoons chopped parsley





1.   Hard boiled eggs.

2.   Cut each in half lengthwise.

3.   Remove yolks and place in bowl with all other ingredients; mix well.

4.   Spoon into egg whites and sprinkle with parsley & paprika.

5.   Cover and refrigerate at least one hour or more.

6.   Serve chilled.


Contact us:


Humor Me….


A guy spots a sign outside a house that reads, “Talking Dog for Sale.” Intrigued, he walks in.

“So, what have you done with your life?” he asks the dog.

“I’ve led a very full life,” says the dog. “I lived in the Alps rescuing avalanche victims. Then I served my country in Iraq. And now, I spend my days reading at a retirement home.”

The guy is flabbergasted, he turns to the owner and asks, “Why on earth would you want to get rid of a dog like that?”

The owner says, “Because he’s a liar! He never did any of that.”



Who’d A Thunk…


         That that old time remedy baking soda could:

·  Stop the bad bugs: Lay down a barrier of baking soda under sink-pipe openings and along basement windows to keep carpenter ants, silverfish, and roaches from invading. Roaches eat the baking soda, dehydrate, and die.

·  Freshen up your smelly dog: Liberally sprinkle your smelly dog (outdoors, if possible) all over, avoiding the face, with baking soda, massage it in well so it coats the skin, and leave it for a few minutes to absorb the offending odors. Then give your dog a good brushing. Additional advantages of a baking soda bath: imparts luster to the coat, soothes doggie’s skin, and kills fleas and other parasites.

·  Melt ice: Sprinkling baking soda on your front steps will provide traction and melt the ice. Unlike rock salt, kitty litter, or sand, it won’t damage outdoor or indoor surfaces or shoes.

·  Stop the craving: If you crave sweets, rinse your mouth with one-teaspoon baking soda dissolved in a glass of warm water. Don’t swallow the mixture; spit it out. Your craving should disappear instantly.



(Answers on last page)

Which tire doesn’t move when a car turns right?


What has cities, but no houses; forests, but no trees; and water, but no fish?






March 2024

Bernardo Guzman

Originally from Mexico, Mr Guzman moved to the United States thirty five years ago.  He moved there with his wife and two children.  He has lived in the states of Texas, New Hampshire and Washington before moving to North Carolina three years ago where he retired with his wife to be closer to their grandchildren.  He spends most of his time walking the trails in the woods and photographing wildlife.  He then researches and becomes very knowledgeable on the  North Carolina wildlife, particularly birds. He is also a musician and plays piano and guitar.  He is a member of the Mosaic group which performed at “April Love Senior Talent Show” at the Renaissance in Wake Forest.  Mr. Guzman also writes and performs his own songs.



Our NonProfit of the Month:



HopeLine’s Mission:

To Support people's mental health through active listening and caring confidential conversations.


​HopeLine’s Vision:

Create a space where everyone can be connected to support an individual's wellness.


HopeLine is accredited by the American Association of Suicidology.  It focuses on providing the community with a free and confidential crisis and suicide prevention helpline and texting services. HopeLine specializes in providing suicide and crisis intervention, supportive and non-judgmental active listening, gentle and understanding discussion of crisis resolution, and referrals to appropriate community resources. 

HopeLine defines a crisis as any disruption in someone's life that would lead them to reach out to us; there is nothing too big or small for us to support you. HopeLine's services are not intended to replace long-term counseling or individual therapy. HopeLine volunteers and staff are not licensed counselors but trained listeners. 

HopeLine operates a free Reassurance Program in which volunteers and staff make calls to individuals who have little or no daily contact with others. These calls provide comfort and hope to every participant and their families. Each call is a daily reminder that there is a compassionate person who is willing to listen. The purpose of this program is to reduce isolation, increase access to community resources, and provide greater peace of mind to participants and their loved ones. HopeLine supports continued efforts to help every participant live independently.

HopeLine aims to be a reliable resource for our community on and off the lines. 

HopeLine offers educational training to various groups about HopeLine services, Active Listening, Recognizing Depression and Suicide, How to get Help, and Crisis De-escalation. 



Military Salute


         The 352nd Special Operations Wing is an operational unit of the United States Air Force Special Operations Command currently stationed at RAF Mildenhall, United Kingdom. The unit's heritage dates back to 1944 as an air commando unit.



           THE SENIOR NETWORK’s #1 priority now is socialization of seniors.  We create events and transport seniors to them wherever we can.




Solutions, Statistics and Tips:


Studies show around 1/3 of adults aged 60 or more experience nocturnal leg cramps, and nearly one-half of those aged 80 years or more. Furthermore, of those affected nearly 40% experienced nighttime episodes several days per week.


Nocturnal leg cramps are characterized by episodes of painful, sudden, intense, involuntary contractions of muscles in the legs, feet and other extremities in the middle of the night.


Unlike typical muscle cramps, nocturnal leg cramps often do not resolve naturally over time.


Mustard, that tangy condiment often found on hot dogs and sandwiches, has sparked curiosity as a potential remedy for leg cramps. Let’s delve into the science behind this intriguing claim.


1.  Electrolytes Theory: Some believe that the electrolytes in mustard—specifically sodium and potassium—might prevent leg cramps, especially after exercise. However, there’s no conclusive evidence to support this notionA study involving healthy adults found that consuming mustard after exercise didn’t fully replenish electrolyte losses due to sweating and dehydration.

2.  Turmeric and Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Another theory points to the turmeric in mustard. Turmeric contains compounds called isothiocyanates, which have anti-inflammatory properties. However, no research currently confirms that turmeric in mustard helps relax muscles and relieves leg cramps.

3.  Throat Sensors Activation: Recent findings propose that mustard may activate sensors in the back of your throat. These molecules (isothiocyanates) send signals that prevent nerves in your muscles from becoming overly excited and causing cramps. However, more research is needed to validate this mechanism.

In summary, while mustard isn’t a proven remedy for leg cramps, it might trigger various effects that could prevent muscle cramps. If you decide to try it, remember that mustard is generally safe for consumption, but there’s no established effective dose.  Probably a teaspoon would work.  So, next time you reach for that mustard bottle, consider its potential superhero status against cramps!



Answers to Brain Teasers


Answer: A spare tire.


Answer: A map.








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