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December 2021 Newsletter

The Senior Times -A Publication of The Senior Network

Golden Nuggets

As we enter the Christmas Season, the same greetings come to mind: Merry Christmas; Happy Holidays; Seasons Greetings and even Joy to the World. But what if your holiday does not seem merry and bright? Maybe you have had a bad financial year. Poor health and family problems might seem unbearable. Perhaps you are grieving over the loss of a loved one or a special friend. How can you regain the joy of the season with so much pain and heartache on your plate?

These are tough times, but long ago there was an abundance of much the same chaos in the world. The future looked bleak and full of despair. However, God intervened and sent His only Son, Jesus, into the world as a baby. Born in a lowly manager with shepherds coming to worship Him, this small infant would change the world. A simple beginning, but the wise men knew Jesus was special and worthy to be worshiped.

The story does not end with His birth. Throughout Jesus’ life, many were healed and believed in the one True God. As great as this was, it was His death and resurrection that gives us hope today. The real joy in Christmas comes when the complete Christ story is told. This is how the world needs to view the advent season. It is the celebration of Jesus’s birth AND resurrection. Here is where the joy comes and fills your life. “Glory to God in the Highest and peace to men on earth.”

Merry Christmas!!!!


Humor Me

A guy goes into a post office and asks the clerk for some holiday stamps.

The postal worker asks, “What denomination?”

The guy thinks for a minute and says, “Give me 6 Jewish, 2 Lutheran and 7 Catholic.”


Who'd A Thunk......

An aluminum tree would replace a live Christmas tree? A pink Christmas tree would be popular? People would put artificial snow on Christmas trees so they would be flocked? Families would watch a Yule Log burn for hours on T.V.?


Remember When......

Christmas trees were first flocked? Lionel Trains were set up around most family Christmas trees? The Grinch first stole Christmas?


"April Love" Senior Talent Show

Pat Boone, Honorary Chairman

Friday, April 22nd, 7 PM

The Renaissance Centre - Wake Forest, North Carolina

Do you sing, dance, juggle, play an instrument? Are you a comedian, acor a magician? Do you have an unusual talent? Then what are you waiting for? Come on out and audition for the show! If you are interested in auditioning, please contact the show's MC, Algia Motley. Please leave your name, contact information, and what song or act you would like to perform. Email: Phone: 732-245-2360


Podcast on Facebook

NW & EW Senior Centers

Join Melanie Crippen, Director of The Senior Network, on Wednesday, December 15th at 3:30 pm as she is interviewed by Jennie Griggs, Director of the Senior Center.


Sharing With Seniors

Saturday, December 18th, 10 AM
203 Capcom Avenue, Wake Forest, N.C.

John Mainey

"An Irish Christmas"
Jim Pendergrass

Are you looking for a place of warm and genuine senior community? Do you desire to be a part of a local elderly community? Then what are you waiting for? We meet every third Saturday of the month for a time of fellowship, fun, and community. Come on out and see what we are all about!

Have any questions about this event? Do not hesitate to contact us at!


Contact Us

If you are interested in volunteering, want more information about our non-profit organization, or have a special prayer request, please contact us.

Office: 954-666-2040 Fax: 919-373-8823


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