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          A publication of The Senior NetworkTM

                      July 2024





It is hard to believe that this is JULY!  Already half of the year is gone and there was so much we wanted to accomplish.  For those of you who made New Year resolutions, how are they going or are they already gone? In light of all of this, consider the water lily, which is the official flower for July.  This unique flower is thought of as being perfect for this month.  Because they grow only in still waters, they appear to have a calming effect on people living in our chaotic world.  One of the lily’s characteristics is that it blooms in the morning and fades away every night.  It is therefore, associated with renewal and rebirth.  This brings with it a sense of hope and promise, knowing that every day there is a sweet new flower. Being able to have a fresh start each day is a beautiful blessing that God declares in His word.  It is found in Lamentations 3:22 – 23.  “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning, great is your faithfulness.”

Just like the water lily gets a fresh beginning every day, we do too.  Isn’t that amazing?


Words of Wisdom:


Brain Teasers

(Answer at end of newsletter)


1.   What kind of band never plays music?

2.   What has many teeth but cannot bite?

3.   What has lots of eyes but can’t see?


Loneliness is a major health hazard.  The Senior Network helps with the socialization of seniors! 



A little girl and her mother are at church when the little girl starts to feel sick.

Her mother tells her to go throw up in the bushes behind the church.

When the little girl returns, her mother asks her if she threw up.

“Yes,” the girl says.

“But I didn't have to go all the way around the back.

There was a box near the front door that said ‘For the Sick.'”




September 13, 1860


Laclede, Missouri


July 15, 1948

John J. Pershing was a senior United States Army officer who served as the commander of the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) in World War I. In his later years, he mentored generals who led the United States Army during World War II.  He was promoted to General of the Armies rank, the highest possible rank in the United States Army. 

 Hats off to all who served with him.



Grandma’s Cooking Corner:


Clint Eastwood’s

Grilled Peach Summer Salad


This refreshing summer salad features juicy grilled peaches, balsamic-marinated chicken, and crunchy pecans. It's the perfect combination of sweet and savory.


Ingredients (4 servings) 

·  ¼ cup balsamic vinegar

·  2 tablespoons olive oil, plus more to taste

·  ¼ cup honey

·  2 teaspoons kosher salt

·  1 teaspoon ground black pepper

·  2 peaches

·  2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

·  5 oz mixed greens

·  1 cup grape tomatoes, halved

·  ½ cucumber, chopped

·  ½ red onion, sliced

·  ½ cup pecans


1.   Add the balsamic vinegar, olive oil, honey, salt, and pepper to a bowl and mix until well combined. Reserve half for the salad dressing.

2.   Heat a grill or grill pan to medium-high heat.

3.   Halve the peaches and remove the pits. Lightly brush the cut sides with the balsamic vinaigrette.

4.   Place the peaches, cut side down, on the grill and cook for about 5 minutes, until charred.

5.   Meanwhile, on a cutting board, drizzle the chicken with olive oil, then season with salt and pepper.

6.   Place the chicken on the grill and cook until browned on one side, then flip. Brush the cooked side with the balsamic vinaigrette, then cook until the other side is browned. Brush with more balsamic vinaigrette.

7.   Slice the peaches and chicken.

8.   Add the grilled peaches and chicken to a bowl with the mixed greens, grape tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, and pecans and drizzle with the remaining balsamic vinaigrette. Mix thoroughly.

9.   Enjoy!




           July 2024



Born "Nellie Kelly" in Whiteville NC, 40 miles from the beach in Ocean Isle, Nellie was the oldest with three younger brothers.  Their father died in 1957 at age 38.  Nellie graduated from Whiteville High School and attended Appalachian State Teachers College in Boone for one year. (Now Appalachian University). She then attended Miller Motte Business College in Wilmington, NC for another year.  She didn't graduate because she couldn't type 60 words per minute with no errors. They said come back and do it and we'll give you your degree. She never did.  Nellie began working at Waccamaw Bank in Whiteville in the Trust Department in the Fall of 1961 and married Clyde Marley in October. They have three children: Brent Marley and Nan Marley (Cielo), born in Whiteville and Leigh Marley (Watkins) (Lee), born in Raleigh.  In the summer of 1967 they moved from Whiteville to Blackstone, VA where Clyde worked on a horse farm training quarter horses.  When that job ended, they moved back to Whiteville where Nellie worked again at Waccamaw Bank.  In the Fall of 1969 they moved to Honey Brook, PA where Clyde was working on another horse farm.  When that job ended, they moved to Raleigh, NC (February 1970), where Nellie’s mother lived. Nellie worked for BTR Management, a subsidiary of Holiday Inn and attended an annual meeting at their headquarters in Memphis. TN in the fall of 1970.  Leigh was born in the summer of 1971 and Nellie now stayed home with the three children and kept house for five years. In August 1977 Nellie and Clyde divorced and Nellie began working at NC Chiropractic Assn. where she ran the print shop and became Managing Editor for

their newsletter. 

In September 1981, Nellie married Steve Yancey, owner of Carolina Printing Co. in Raleigh. Eventually she joined him in his business, managed the office, did pre-press, typesetting/layout, negatives, proofing, deliveries, etc. — whatever was required running a family business. During their 34 years together, Steve and Nellie traveled, taking many road trips. Some favorites were New Orleans, Niagara Falls, Cincinnati and Loretta Lynn's Butcher Holler in Van

Lear, KY.  

In February 1995, they moved into a log house they built on 6 acres with a fishing pond and wooded paths on Ligon Mill Road, Wake Forest — their dream home where they had many family gatherings and where they had ducks and geese and the deer roamed the yard. Steve passed away 9/11/15 and Nellie moved from there in July 2019  to a small house in Wake Forest.Nellie has seven grandchildren and 4 great-grands, with another on the way. Her two daughters live near her; but her son and family recently moved to UtahNellie’s great love is music - old-time music from the 30's, old hymns and bluegrass.  She likes to read and is an avid record-keeper of family history. Nellie sometimes writes poems and songs and is a favorite with seniors as she leads “Singalong With Nellie”.  She performs at many of The Senior Network events.


Who’d A Thunk:

 It's hard to imagine what we would do without Velcro, the versatile hook-and-loop fastener used in so many aspects of modern life—from disposable diapers to the aerospace industry. Yet the ingenious invention came about almost by accident.Velcro was the creation of Swiss engineer Georges de Mestral, who had been inspired by a walk in the woods with his dog in 1941. Upon their return home, de Mestral noticed that burrs (from the burdock plant) had attached themselves to his pants and to his dog's fur.De Mestral, an amateur inventor and a curious man by nature, examined the burrs under a microscope. What he saw intrigued him. De Mestral would spend the next 14 years attempting to duplicate what he saw under that microscope before introducing Velcro to the world in 1955.Most of us have had the experience of burrs clinging to our clothing (or our pets), and considered it a mere annoyance, never wondering why it actually happens. Mother Nature, however, never does anything without a specific reason.Burrs have long served the purpose of ensuring the survival of various plant species. When a burr (a form of a seed pod) attaches itself to an animal's fur, it is carried by the animal to another location where it eventually falls off and grows into a new plant.De Mestral was more concerned with the how than the why. How did so small an object exert such a stronghold? Under the microscope, de Mestral could see that the tips of the burr, which appeared to the naked eye as stiff and straight, actually contained tiny hooks that can attach themselves to fibers in clothing, similar to a hook-and-eye fastener.De Mestral knew that if he could somehow recreate the simple hook system of the burr, he would be able to produce an incredibly strong fastener, one with many practical uses. Thankfully he did!



 If  you know an individual, a business, a group, an organization, or a municipality that  is “senior-friendly” you may nominate them for the “Senior-Friendly”  Hall of Fame.  Submit their name, contact information and why you think they should be considered.   Send to:



3650 Rogers Road, Suite #323

Wake Forest, NC 27587 or


Remember When:


Bobby Socks, which were white anklets, rocked the conservative world when teenagers began wearing the socks with saddle shoes as a form of adolescent rebellion in the late 40’s. During the war years, rationing of silk and nylon prohibited women from wearing their stockings. Improvising, the British made a short ankle sock to replace nylons, and the bobby sock was born.

American women preferred either to go barelegged or to paint their legs with makeup the color of ‘suntan’ stockings (complete with back seam painted on), so young girls were left to adopt the short sock for themselves. They called it the ‘bobby’ sock, after the British slang for police officers.

Bobby socks started as a rebellious fad, but soon became the quintessential teen fashion of the 50’s. Girls who couldn’t get the original anklet made their own bobby socks by folding down a white calf sock into a thick cuff. The short socks were made visible by cuffing up the denim pantleg to mid-calf height. The girls who wore these anklets were dubbed ‘bobby soxers’, and the trend spread to high school girls across the country.

The socks received even more attention when they starred in ‘sock hops,’ dance gatherings wherein the kids would take off their shoes and dance in their socks. While dancing in socks might have seemed rebellious, it was actually to prevent the polished gymnasium floor from being scuffed by the black soles of the popular saddle shoes.

Innocent as they seemed, these white socks set teens on the path of rebellion, or at least that was what parents believed. While the bobby sock was not necessarily responsible for teenage angst and rebellion, it was a strong expression of it, commonly linked with the real plague against conservativism: rock and roll. Parents didn’t stand a chance.


Our NonProfit of the Month:


The American Humane Society is committed to ensuring the safety, welfare and well-being of animals. For more than a hundred years, the American Humane Society has been first in promoting the welfare and safety of animals and strengthening the bond between animals and people. It is first to serve, wherever animals are in need of rescue, shelter, protection or security.  Through their innovative leadership initiatives to rapid response rescue and care across the country the American Humane Society sets the gold standard as the most visionary and effective animal welfare organization in the nation.

Although based in northern Wake County, North Carolina, we are receiving numerous requests from around the country and are now partnering with churches and other organizations in many states to fulfill needs of seniors.

Answer to Brain Teaser:

1.      A rubber band

2.      A comb

3.      A potato



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