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THL Ultimate Solutions: Helping Seniors With Taxes

In search of tax assistance around Wake Forest, North Carolina?

THL Ultimate Solutions?

THL Ultimate Solutions has been a breakthrough resource to local, small businesses around the Wake Forest vicinity. THL Ultimate Solutions offers services to small businesses in the areas of Taxes, Bookkeeping and Business Profit Growth Development.

Company Mission

THL Ultimate Solutions' mission is to build as a support to the community by providing customized solutions to help streamline business health and improve cash flow.

Company Vision

THL Ultimate Solutions' vision is to reach and empower over 10,000 business owner families by being a supportive resource to helping those families streamline and improve healthy cash flow in their businesses.

Company Values

  • To treat others as they would like to be treated

  • To break down barriers by providing quality solutions

  • To own it by holding themselves accountable for their outcomes, good or bad

  • To act with integrity at all times through honesty, being open-minded and ethical

Why Seniors?

Seniors are the backbone to our society. THL Ultimate Solutions honors their seniors by offering discounts for Senior Taxes and Senior Business needs.

Senior Tax Tips

Higher Standard Deduction -Taking the standard deduction in most cases is a better option to eliminate itemizing.

Filing Threshold - Age 65+ are not required to file a tax return unless their income exceeds $14,050. Married Filing Joint are not required to file a tax return unless their income exceeds $27,400. Self Employed or Business Owners are required to file a tax return if you earn over $400.

Business and Hobby Deduction - Required to file if you exceed $400. Eligible for business write-offs: Advertising, Supplies, Home Office Expenses, Business Educations, Meals, Cell Phone and Much More.

Final Thoughts?

Interested in discovering more information about THL Ultimate Solutions or its founder, Tabitha Lewis? Do not hesitate to give the website a quick glance here, or contact them today at

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