A publication of The Senior NetworkTM
December 2023
Golden Nuggets
During this holiday season, we all are thinking about the giving of gifts to each other; but we should pay close attention to the word present itself. On the one hand this word means a gift, but its homograph means being there and a period of time.
Consider this when you are stressing over what you should give to a loved one, friend or business acquaintance. While the giving of that gift is important, it takes on a totally different perspective if when you give the gift you give part of yourself with it. In other words, you are present. Isn’t that why you give it in the first place? You, as a person, care, and your giving shows that it was YOU who put time and thought into finding the right gift. A present with a present. Another meaning of this word is a period of time…being now. By putting all of these definitions together you come up with the perfect gift. Your present is given in the present time with you being a part of it all by being present.
Remember a gift should always be given free with no strings attached. The Bible shows a wonderful example of how gift giving should be. Romans 6:23 says "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” There it is in a nutshell. A free present given in time with the gift giving person being present.
That is a gift worth having. So stop stressing over what the receiver will think about your gift and concentrate on making your present part of the package tied up with a big bow.
Who’d A Thunk…
You can recycle your Christmas tree by donating it to elephants. When the holidays are over and it's time to get rid of your Christmas tree, you could drag it to the curb to be picked up by garbage collectors or you could donate it to a zoo so that it can be fed to a hungry elephant.
Zoos around the world, such as The Elephant Sanctuary in Hohenwald, Tennessee, accept evergreens, which are enjoyed by the giant herbivores as a seasonal snack.
Remember When…
In the 1920’s and 1930’s people relied on trains as a primary mode of transportation. It’s no wonder that toy versions of these all-important vehicles started appearing underneath Christmas trees during that time.
Words of Wisdom
"When we recall Christmas past, we usually find that the simplest things, not the great occasions, give off the greatest glow of happiness."
Bob Hope
Military Salute
The US Navy Seals, one of the most recognizable Special Operations groups, are a highly specialized and multi-faceted force trained to operate in various environments, including air, land, and sea. The roots of the Navy Seals can be traced back to World War II when the US Navy recognized the need for covert reconnaissance of landing beaches and coastal defenses. In response to this need, the Amphibious Scout and Raider School was established in 1942.
Cooking Corner
Ashley Tisdale's Grandmother’s Candy Cane Sugar Cookies
3 cups all-purpose flour ½ tsp. baking powder ½ tsp. salt 1 cup butter (not margarine) 1½ cups sugar 2 large eggs 1 tsp. vanilla extract
red food coloring
powdered sugar
1. In a large bowl combine flour, baking powder and salt. 2. In a separate bowl, beat butter and sugar with a mixer at low speed, increasing speed until light and fluffy. Reduce speed to low and beat in eggs and vanilla. Beat in flour mixture until blended.
3. Divide dough in half. Shape one half into two equal balls. Mix a few drops of red food coloring into remaining dough. Shape that into two equal balls. Wrap the four balls separately and freeze until firm. 4. Preheat oven to 350°. On a lightly floured surface take small chunks of the red dough and roll into long strings. Do the same with the plain-colored dough, then take strings of each color, twist them together and shape in the form of a candy cane. 5. Place dough on ungreased cookie sheet and bake for 8-10 min. or until edges are golden brown. Transfer cookies to wire racks to cool. Lightly sprinkle with powdered sugar. Makes 30-40 cookies.
Theodosia was born and grew up in Youngstown, Ohio. She raised two sons, Rodney Jr. and Robert, and one daughter, Terri.
Theodosia worked in food service with the State of Ohio, MRDD (Mental Retardation Developmental Disabilities) and various nursing facilities until retirement.
In 2017, Theodosia made the decision to move to North Carolina to be near her daughter and family. She spends much of her time volunteering . She helps her daughter with Thorne To Rose which is a 501c3 private foundation that culturally helps to educate and break down the stigma of mental health in black and brown communities and empower financial stability through entrepreneurship for children and young adults between the ages of 13 and 25. Theodosia also volunteers for The Senior Network helping its outreach into the senior community and also won “Volunteer of the Year” for the Rolesville Chamber of Commerce.
Theodosia enjoys dancing, yoga, weight management, drumming classes and many other activities. She enjoys her trips back to Ohio to visit with her sons and grandchildren and her sisters. When Theodosia gets hungry, she loves to bake and she is good at and loves to share. There is no denying that she has great cooking skills!
Try these Christmas Trivia Questions to bring you some good cheer! (Answers further down on the page)
Which author wrote the book “A Christmas Carol?”
According to the Christmas song, what did my true love give to me on the seventh day of Christmas?
Which colorful and much sung-about Christmas character was invented by American ad writer Robert L. May in 1939?
What is the date of St. Stephen’s Day?
Which country is Eggnog said to have originated from?
Which popular Christmas song was composed by James Pierpont in 1857?
What are the names of the Three Wise Men (also known as the Three Kings)?
What is the name of the Dr. Seuss character who steals Christmas?
According to legend, London sweet shop owner Tom Smith was poking a fire when he got the inspiration to invent which traditional Christmas item?
What is the name of George Bailey’s guardian angel in the film “It’s A Wonderful Life?”
On a severely cold December morning a husband and wife in the back woods of Minnesota were listening to the radio during breakfast. They heard the announcer say, “We are going to have 8 to 10 inches of snow today. You must park your car on the even-numbered side of the street, so snowplows can get through conveniently”. So the good wife went out and moved her car as instructed. A week later while they are eating breakfast again, the radio announcer said, “We are expecting 10 to 12 inches of snow today. You must park your car on the odd-numbered side of the street, so the snowplows can get through.” The good wife went out and moved her car again. The next week they are again having breakfast when the radio announcer says, “We are expecting 12 to 14 inches of snow today. You must park…” And the power goes off. The good wife was very upset, and with a worried look on her face she said, “I don’t know what to do. Which side of the street do I need to park on so the snowplows can get through?” The husband replied, “Honey, why don’t you just leave it in the garage this time.”
Famous December Birthdays 12/01/1913 - Mary Martin 12/01/1939 – Lee Trevino 12/02/1863 - Charles Ringling 12/02/1925 – Julie Harris 12/03/1930 – Andy Williams 12/03/1948 – Ozzy Osbourne 12/04/1949 – Jeff Bridges 12/05/1839 – George A Custer 12/05/1901 – Walt Disney 12/06/1896 - Ira Gershwin 12/06/1906 – Agnes Moorehead 12/07/1956 – Larry Bird 12/08/1894 – James Thurber 12/08/1925 - Sammy Davis Jr. 12/09/1898 – Emmett Kelly 12/09/1916 - Kirk Douglas 12/11/1944 – Brenda Lee 12/12/1893 – Edward G. Robinson 12/12/1915 – Frank Sinatra 12/12/1923 – Bob Barker 12/12/1938 – Connie Francis 12/13/1925 - Dick Van Dyke 12/13/1927 – Christopher Plummer 12/15/1933 - Tim Conway 12/16/1770 – Ludwig Beethoven 12/18/1916 - Betty Grable 12/18/1947 - Steven Spielberg 12/21/1879 – Joseph Stalin 12/23/1948 – Susan Lucci 12/24/1809 – Kit Carson 12/24/1922 – Ava Gardner 12/24/1931 – Mary Higgins Clark 12/25/1642 – Sir Isaac Newton 12/25/1821 – Clara Barton 12/25/1899 – Humphrey Bogart 12/25/1946 – Jimmy Buffett 12/25/1946 – Larry Csonka 12/25/1947 – Barbara Mandrell 12/28/1934 – Maggie Smith 12/29/1936 – Mary Tyler Moore 12/29/1938 – Jon Voight 12/30/1865 – Rudyard Kipling 12/30/1935 – Sandy Koufax 12/31/1943 – John Denver 954-666-2040 300 Southtown Circle Rolesville, N.C. 27571 Try these Christmas Trivia Questions to bring you some good cheer! (Answers at the end) Which author wrote the book “A Christmas Carol?” \
According to the Christmas song, what did my true love give to me on the seventh day of Christmas?
Which colorful and much sung-about Christmas character was invented by American ad writer Robert L. May in 1939? What is the date of St. Stephen’s Day?
Which country is Eggnog said to have originated from? Which popular Christmas song was composed by James Pierpont in 1857? What are the names of the Three Wise Men (also known as the Three Kings)? What is the name of the Dr. Seuss character who steals Christmas? According to legend, London sweet shop owner Tom Smith was poking a fire when he got the inspiration to invent which traditional Christmas item?
What is the name of George Bailey’s guardian angel in the film “It’s A Wonderful Life?” HUMOR ME… On a severely cold December morning a husband and wife in the back woods of Minnesota were listening to the radio during breakfast. They heard the announcer say, “We are going to have 8 to 10 inches of snow today. You must park your car on the evennumbered side of the street, so snowplows can get through conveniently”. So the good wife went out and moved her car as instructed. A week later while they are eating breakfast again, the radio announcer said, “We are expecting 10 to 12 inches of snow today. You must park your car on the odd-numbered side of the street, so the snowplows can get through.” The good wife went out and moved her car again. The next week they are again having breakfast when the radio announcer says, “We are expecting 12 to 14 inches of snow today. You must park…” And the power goes off. The good wife was very upset, and with a worried look on her face she said, “I don’t know what to do. Which side of the street do I need to park on so the snowplows can get through?” The husband replied, “Honey, why don’t you just leave it in the garage this time.” If you know an individual, business, organization or municipality that is “seniorfriendly”TM, you may nominate them for the “Senior-Friendly” Hall of Fame. Submit their name, contact information and why you think they should be considered. Send to: JOIN US FOR THE SECOND ANNUAL CANDY CANE STROLL

Non- Profit of the Month…. Marine Toys for Tots is more than just a Christmastime charity — they are a year-round force for good. The Program provides hope and emotional support to economically disadvantaged children throughout the year — whenever it is needed most. Because needs aren’t seasonal, and neither is Toys for Tots. *********************************************************** INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE 1% ERS: 99% of people born between 1930 and 1946 (GLOBALLY) are now dead. If you were born in this time span, your ages range between 77 and 93 years old (a 16-year age span) and you are one of the rare surviving one-percenters. You can remember milk being delivered to your house early in the morning and placed in the "milk box" at the front door. Discipline was enforced by parents and teachers. You are the last generation who spent childhood without television and instead, you “imagined” what you heard on the radio. With no TV, you spent your childhood "playing outside". There was no city playground for kids. The lack of television in your early years meant that you had little real understanding of what the world was like. We got “black-and-white” TV in the late 50s that had 3 stations and no remote. Telephones (if you had one) were one to a house and hung on the wall in the kitchen (who cares about privacy). Typewriters were driven by pounding fingers, throwing the carriage, and changing the ribbon. INTERNET and GOOGLE were words that did not exist. Newspapers and magazines were written for adults and your dad would give you the comic pages after he read the news. The news was broadcast on your radio in the evening. The radio network gradually expanded from 3 stations to thousands. New highways would bring jobs and mobility. Most highways were 2 lanes and there were no Motorways. You went downtown to shop. You walked to school. Your parents were suddenly free from the confines of the depression and the war, and they threw themselves into working hard to make a living for their families.
Answers to the Christmas Trivia Quiz Charles Dickens 7 swans a swimming Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer December 26th Medieval Britain Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar The Grinch Jingle Bells Christmas Cracker Clarence Odbody